How long will coffee stay fresh?
Once roasted, coffee needs about 48 hours to season. The peak flavor occurs between 2 and 10 days after roasting–provided the coffee is whole bean and stored in an air tight container away from heat, light, and moisture. Our advice is to purchase only what you can consume in about a week or so. That's why we put the roast date on our coffee!

Best storage containers
There are plenty of low cost options for storing coffee. New or previously used canning jars work fine for a short duration. They are not the best choice if coffee will be stored for longer than a week. But that's no problem if you are purchasing coffee fresh as recommended above.
Our personal preference are the storage canisters offered by Fellow Products (we are not an affiliate, just huge fans). Fellow makes coffee gear, so their canisters are designed to maintain the freshness of your freshly roasted coffee. Choose the clear version only if you are storing coffee in a dark location. Otherwise, select the canister that prevents light from getting to the coffee.